Tuesday, May 19, 2015

ACM203 Photographic Practice - Final Folio - Cosplay Photoshoot with BW Film

My assignment from Photographic Practice allowed us to choose any theme we wanted. I decided to explore cosplay portraits. Usually cosplay is photographed in colour because the costumes are so vibrant, so I wondered how the costumes and characters could be expressed when the colour is taken away.

These photos were shot on a medium format camera and processed by myself in the dark room. After a few years of sitting my big pile of art stuff, I've scanned the images.

I think the results prove cosplay quite stunning even in Black & White. 
I also got a HD mark for this assignment.

The digital colour photos from this shoot and these BW scans can be viewed at my smugmug account ~ http://unikorn.smugmug.com/Cosplay/Cosplay-Photoshoot-With-Film