You will need to find 8 inspirational images from magazines, web and
books that influence your image. BLOG IT.
Copy and paste the questions and answer them all.
Four poster designs that are good examples of negative space
• Explain how the design concept is used.
• Comment on line, shape, texture and colour in the image.
• what you like about each image?
• how will it influence your poster?
Four poster designs that are good examples of contrast
• Explain how the design concept is used.
• Comment on line, shape, texture and colour in the image.
• what you like about each image?
• how will it influence your poster?

RISE AGAINST poster - Negative Space example
The blue and the white act as negative space in different parts of the picture. The white arrow creates negative space around the text but in the bottom part of the image the blue becomes the negative space around the white detenator and wire to the White House.
Only 3 colors are used. White, cyan and red. There are grunge textures used to tie the vector images to the photographic image. The arrow acts as a line that leads your eye from the text to the picture.
I like the minimal use of color and I'm very fond of that shade of blue. Because the blue dominates the image it really attracts my attention. The hints of red make a good contrast against the blue and perhaps without it the white would no punch out as much either.

Jimmy Eat World poster - Negative space
Clever design with the cards as the birds tail. Styled to look like a woodblock print it gives the picture some texture. There is actually very little colour used here but the white negative space is balanced out as the shapes of the bird/cards are very central to the page.
Despite the texture grunging it up a little bit, it still has a very clean look to it. I usually find myself designing this way because it's much easier to make it effective. Although I would love to be able to do more complicated designs I can never get them to work when there are too many elements to worry about.

HIM - Negative space
The black acts as the negative space the surrounds the image that sits central. Contrast is also used in this image so that the figure and the centre and the wing-like branches stand out. If the background was all black the figure would not stand out so well. But if the background was all blue/white the dark creepy feeling would be lost a bit.
The branch/wings, Heartagram logo and the pattern in the blue area create a sense of texture.
I like how the blue and white area in the middle is like a ray of light. I may use this sort of idea in my own work.

Coheed & Cambria - Negative Space example
White border creates negative space, which the wings flow out onto, rather than being contained by the orange/yellow rectangle of sky in the background.
The artwork has a distinct comic book style to it with the use of black for outlines and shading. In fact, the band actually does have a comic book that follows the stories laid out in the lyrics of their songs. I would like to draw a comic book style character for my own assignment.
The orange and yellow hues in the background create a harmonious colour scheme.

Manson / Slayer poster - Contrast example.
Simple use of colour, with only 3 used. Black, yellow and red. Creates a really high contrast image. The bird silhouette stands out against the red and yellow striped background. Although it is a big block of black there are some intricate lines and shapes around the edges which also create some texture.
I really like silhouettes, so I may use this sort of idea in my own work. I'm also quite fond of wings.

Rage Against the Machine - contrast
The image of the girl really pops out of the image as she is colored in softer tones and the background is darker.
Lovely use of comic style inked lines. There is quite an intricate pattern on the hankercheif covering the girls face and the red ties her back to the red background.
Red and green are complimentary colors and create excellent contrast.

Negative space & contrast
The Slipknot logo has a lot of texture like a paint splatter around it. The lines on the goat figure are like a hand drawn sketch which adds to the grunge look of the entire poster.
The yellow box around behind the figure makes him pop out of the picture. and creates some interesting negative space between the black and the yellow.

Queens of the Stone Age - Contrast Example
The girl in red stand out against the blue background. The characters behind her are drawn with white lines while she it outlined with black, which also makes her more of the focus.
I like the idea of a mascot character and will create one for my own poster.
Image credits: http://postercabaret.com